Spirtual Living - Devotional Life
Listed below are great devotional resources. Using the Daily Prayer for Individuals and Families (printed in Lutheran Service Book, pages 294 - 298 and Hymnal Supplement 98, pages 28 - 32) are a great guideline for devotions throughout the day.
The Bible, The Story Bible (using the Daily Lectionary), Hymnals (reading or singing hymns are an enriching source of devotional material as well! ) Luther's Small Catechism (print | online), the Lutheran Book of Prayer, Starck’s Prayer Book and the Treasury of Daily Prayer are great resources for devotions.
PrayNow App
- Apps - Bible.is - Blue Letter Bible - Logos - Bible Gateway
- The Lutheran Study Bible
- Treasury of Daily Prayer
- Concordia NIV Self Study
- The Story Bible
- Luther's Small Catechism
- online | book
- Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation (PDF)
- Luther's Large Catechism
- Treasury of Daily Prayer
- The Lord Will Answer
- Through Faith Alone
- Each Day with Jesus
- A Year in the Word
- My Devotions
- What About...Christian Families (PDF)
- God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life
- Two Kingdoms (PDF)
- Luther on Vocation
- The Lutheran Difference: Christian Vocation
- The Cranach Institute: A Lutheran Voice in the Public Square
- Institute on Lay Vocation
- Vocation and Evangelism
- Luther's Large Catechism - | 4th Commandment | 5th Commandment |
- Vocation Resources
The Family
Online Devotions
Prayer Life
- Let Us Pray: A Study of Prayer and the Devotional Life
- Prayer: The Voice of Faith
- The Lutheran Difference: Daily Prayer
- Pray Christian Pray
- Lutheran Book of Prayer
- My Prayer Book
- Spiritual Life in the Body of Christ (PDF)
- Spiritual Health (PDF)
- The Message of Confirmation (PDF)
Christian Book Publishing
- Concordia Publishing House
- Northwestern Publishing
- Lutheran Hertiage Foundation
- Bethany Lutheran College Bookstore
- Lutheran Heritage Foundation
- Repristination Press
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