All the Household - A place for Lutherans who want to use the Church's calendar to center their household life around the Church's Lord.
Luke 8:11 – “The seed is the word of God.” The plant begins as a seed — and everything in the church begins with the Word. “In the beginning ... the Word was with God” (John 1:1). “He saved us ... by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). “The word of our God will stand forever” (Is. 40:8). We never outgrow our need to hear the Word of God. We will never achieve such greatness that we don’t need the blessings of God’s Word. Rather, the Christian life is one of always striving to conform our lives to God’s Word — to live out the truth of our Baptisms, that we are God’s children by the power of His Word.
“Handmade by the one true God and designed in His image, we are inherently valuable, not only for this life but for all of eternity.” Michelle Bauman, Y4Life - A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life
“Hurting from abortion? Word of Hope can help.; 888-217-8679.”
“Word of Hope brings the healing of God’s grace and Christ’s forgiveness to those who suffer guilt and grief over the abortion of their own children. Reach out at or call deaconesses (distinctively Lutheran, completely confidential, free-of-charge, and 24/7 – you can even text!) at 888-217-8679.”