Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School

LCMS • 2101 Lor Ray Drive, North Mankato, MN • 507.388.4336

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd - LCMS - North Mankato, MN



Sunday Service - 9:00am
Education Hour - 10:15am

Readings for:

March 23, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent - Oculi
First Reading
Exodus 8:16-24
Second Reading
Ephesians 5:1-9
Gospel Reading
Luke 11:14-28
Liturgical Color

All the Household - A place for Lutherans who want to use the Church's calendar to center their household life around the Church's Lord.

What about Fasting for Lent?
Lenten Devotions

Annunciation of our Lord Divine Service - March 25, 2025 @ 6:30pm

Lent Services

Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 @ 6:30pm with Lent Supper at 5:15pm to 6:00pm


Luke 11:21–22 – “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil.” Jesus is stronger than Satan and He disarms him for us. But Jesus has disarmed Satan in a most unusual way: He has disarmed him by allowing Satan to cast all his weapons into Jesus. Satan has nothing left to attack us with — he spent it all on Jesus. And now Jesus is our Stronger Man. He guards and keeps us and ours, and we have none to fear

Life Message

“Think of how important we as human beings must be in the eyes of God, if He—as the almighty creator and Lord of the entire universe—was willing to take on human flesh and become one of us. God loves the human race so much He decided to become our brother.” Thomas P. Nass, CELC President - A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life

What About Life

“Hurting from abortion? Word of Hope can help.; 888-217-8679.”

“Word of Hope brings the healing of God’s grace and Christ’s forgiveness to those who suffer guilt and grief over the abortion of their own children. Reach out at or call deaconesses (distinctively Lutheran, completely confidential, free-of-charge, and 24/7 – you can even text!) at 888-217-8679.”
Church Steeple