Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School

LCMS • 2101 Lor Ray Drive, North Mankato, MN • 507.388.4336

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd - LCMS - History - North Mankato, MN

About - History

Celebrating 69 Years 1957 - 2025!
Luther's Rose

On April 5, 1957 a group of West Mankato residents interested in forming a new Lutheran-Missouri Synod congregation met to form a mission congregation. We accepted a constitution on April 26, 1957 and on May 7, 1957, selected the name "The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd" and elected officers.

See Timeline page

In the summer of 1957 we called Pastor E.J.A. Marxhausen as vacancy pastor, held our first services September 8, and first communion was given September 29.

On November 24, 1957, The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd called Pastor E.P. Kauffeld and he conducted his first service December 29, 1957. On December 14, 1958 we dedicated the parsonage and laid the cornerstone for the church building, for which we broke ground on August 28, 1958.

Pastor E.P. Kauffeld was our pastor until 1966. From 1966-1976 The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd was under the leadership of Pastor Ronald Bongard, Pastor Victor Roth 1975-1987 and Pastor Michael Dooling from 1988-1994. In November 1994 Reverend Greggory S. Coop was called. He was installed December 1994. Pastor Coop served our congregation to November 2001. From November 2001 to January 2003, Pastor Monte Meyer from the Campus Lutheran Chapel served as Vacancy Pastor. From February 2003 - July 2003, Pastor Roger Raebel of New Ulm served as Vacancy Pastor. Pastor Vance Becker accepted the call to Good Shepherd in May 2003. Pastor Becker from July 20, 2003 - July 2019. Vacancy Pastor Bjornstad from August 2019 - July 2020. Various vacancy pastors from August 2020 - December 2020. Pastor LaPlant from January 10, 2021 - Present.

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is Christ-centered, Gospel-oriented and people loving. God has blessed our congregation and throughout these 45 plus years, we have maintained our sound Lutheran confessional theology despite changed in society and the world.
On February 27, 1997 we purchased 10.7 acres of land in upper North Mankato to be the future location of our church as we seek to fulfill our mission and ministry to the glory of God.

Dedication of the new location of The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd took place on June 29, 1999.

The first Divine Service was held in the new location on June 4, 2000.

A Dedication Service of the new church facility was held September 17, 2000 at 3:00pm in the Worship Hall.

We want to express our sincere appreciation to all our members, both past and present for their willingness to serve and in sharing their lives with our Good Shepherd family. We look forward, with the help of God, as He continues to lead us, as we carry out the mission He has set for us in Christ.