Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School

LCMS • 2101 Lor Ray Drive, North Mankato, MN • 507.388.4336

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd - LCMS - North Mankato, MN


Sunday Service
Church Steeple
- 9:00am
Education Hour - 10:15am


YouTube Streaming Channel - Divine Services


Readings for:

July 21 2024
8th Sunday after Trinity Sunday
First Reading
Jeremiah 23:16-29
Second Reading
Acts 20:27-38
Gospel Reading
Matthew 7:15-23
Liturgical Color


Romans 8:16 – “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” Children are called to grow up into the image of their Father. That’s the basis not only of our generosity, but of our entire life as Christians. God sets the pattern and we follow. God is kind to us in Christ, and so we desire to be kind. God is loving to us in Christ, and so we desire to love. God is generous and open-handed to us in Christ, and so we desire to be generous and open-handed.

Life Message

“We have the grace and truth of the Gospel to share—not only with women and men in crisis pregnancies but also with those so adamantly advocating for abortion. Why would we not share Christ with a lost and hurting people?” Diane Albers, President of Lutherans For Life - A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life

What About Life