All the Household - A place for Lutherans who want to use the Church's calendar to center their household life around the Church's Lord.
Matthew 17:8 – “And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.” Moses and Elijah point to Jesus, and speak about Jesus and His sacrifice, and then they are happy to fade into the background. They know that what we need is Jesus. With our eyes focused on Him and Him alone, the rest of our lives comes into focus. He is primary, all else secondary. When that order is right in our lives, things truly fall into place. Or as Jesus Himself said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”
We may not be trained healers, but we have been trained through our own experiences and God’s Word to bring comfort. Be brave, reach out, and know the Lord is by your side. Pray for His guidance in what you say and do so you will bring needed comfort. We have a message of hope!” Virginia Flo, Lutherans For Life - A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life
“Hurting from abortion? Word of Hope can help.; 888-217-8679.”
“Word of Hope brings the healing of God’s grace and Christ’s forgiveness to those who suffer guilt and grief over the abortion of their own children. Reach out at or call deaconesses (distinctively Lutheran, completely confidential, free-of-charge, and 24/7 – you can even text!) at 888-217-8679.”